Digital Investment Office
The Digital Investment Office supports the Government Chief Digital Officer and works with the Treasury and other public sector system leaders to achieve government-wide strategies and outcomes for digital investment.
Role of the Government Chief Digital Officer (GCDO)
The GCDO is mandated to oversee and drive strategically aligned digital investments across the public sector.
The strengthened Digital Investment Mandate in May 2022 led to:
- the establishment of the Digital Investment Office (DIO)
- the GCDO having more influence over public sector digital investments.
The GCDO supported by the DIO, encourages the efficiency of agencies’ digital investments and makes sure they align with the Strategy for a Digital Public Service and wider government outcomes.
Strategy for a Digital Public Service
Public Service system leaders — Public Service Commission
What the Digital Investment Office (DIO) does
The DIO provides insights into current and planned digital spending. The GCDO and government agencies use these insights to inform strategic digital investments and priorities across the public sector.
The regular work of the DIO from which these insights come is described under these 5 categories:
- Data collection, monitoring and analysis
- Reporting, guidance and advice
- Working with others
- Supporting Cloud First
- Supporting government agencies.
Data collection, monitoring and analysis
- Monitoring system direction and providing insights on priorities for government digital investments.
- Collecting data, analysing trends and developing insights to identify wider implications for the public service.
- Using all-of-government data about digital initiatives to identify:
- risks and opportunities
- any need for government interventions and responses.
Reporting, guidance and advice
- Reviewing digital investment settings.
- Updating principles, guidance and tools to help with identification and evaluation of digital investments.
- Informing the Treasury, other public service system leaders, central government agencies, policy groups, and ministers about digital investments. This helps to determine investment priorities and funding for digital investments, whether through current spending levels (baselines) or new money from budget bids.
Working with others
- Working collaboratively with public sector system leaders, to support system settings that maximise the impact of digital data and cyber-security investment outcomes and benefits.
- Joining with groups across the Digital Services branch of Te Tari Taiwhenua Department of Internal Affairs, to develop advice, insights, and guidance to inform public sector engagement.
Supporting Cloud First
- Measuring and reporting on cloud services uptake and spend across the public sector.
- Managing approval of on-premises information and communications technology (ICT) investment exceptions to the Cloud First policy.
On-premises ICT investment — assessment process and exceptions criteria
Supporting government agencies
- Sharing the data and insights the GCDO has from:
- annual surveys
- government procurement of digital services
- lessons learnt.
- Providing advice to agencies about their digital investment direction and prioritisation.
- Supporting agencies through their Cloud First on-premises ICT investment exception assessments.
Who the GCDO and DIO collaborate with
The GCDO and DIO work collaboratively with the Treasury and other public service system leaders to achieve government-wide strategies and outcomes for digital investment.
Collaborating with Te Tai Ōhanga The Treasury
The DIO’s work sits within the “Think” (renamed to ‘Intentions’) phase of the Treasury’s investment management system.
The Treasury is accountable for developing and maintaining the rules, thresholds, and processes around investment management for major projects and programmes.
Agencies planning major ICT or digital initiatives should contact both the Treasury and the GCDO.
Visit the Treasury’ website to learn about:
Government’ Investment Management System Lifecycle — the Treasury
- Guidance on the Performance and Financial Management System.
Digital, data, and cyber security investment
The close connection between digital, data, and cyber security investments is why the GCDO and DIO also work with these public service system leaders.
- Government Chief Data Steward (GCDS) — about data investments
- Government Chief Information Security Officer (GCISO) — for cyber security investments
- Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Key contacts to email
Te Tari Taiwhenua Department of Internal Affairs
- Digital Investment Office (DIO) —
- Government Chief Digital Officer (GCDO) —
Te Tai Ōhanga The Treasury
- Investment Management and System (IMS) team —
Tatauranga Aotearoa Stats NZ
- Government Chief Data Steward (GCDS) —
Te Tira Tiaki Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB)
- Government Chief Information Security Officer (GCISO) —
Related advice
- Public Finance Act 1989 — New Zealand Legislation
- Digital Government Leadership Group
- Procurement — streamlining common ICT procurement processes
- NCSC releases cyber security investment guidance — GCSB
- Data Investment Plan — Stats NZ
Utility links and page information
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