DPUP Guidelines in brief
Understand the key activities that make up the Data Protection and Use Policy (DPUP) Guidelines and how the DPUP Principles and the Privacy Act 2020 apply to those activities.
Summaries of the 4 Guidelines
The key activities covered by the Guidelines were identified during engagement as those that make the greatest contribution to respect, trust and transparency.
You can read the 4 Guidelines in any order, but Purpose Matters has a central role. It responds to a key theme from the engagement phase summarised by: “It all starts with why”. Understanding this topic has implications for the other Guidelines.
Purpose Matters Guideline
Purpose Matters is about:
- the importance of being clear about the ‘why’ when thinking about collecting or using people’s information
- only collecting what is needed
- how collection or use of people’s information could affect their wellbeing.
Read about Purpose Matters
Why DPUP has a Purpose Matters Guideline
Introduction to DPUP’s Purpose Matters Guideline
A 90-second video that explains the key concepts of this Guideline.
Video transcript
Text on screen: Guideline 1 Purpose Matters
Having clear purpose when collecting or using people’s information
The left side of the screen changes to a dark background, a search light beam enters and begins to search in the dark. The whole frame goes dark.
Builds trust and helps ensure data is used legally and ethically, and that it enhances mana.
A second flashlight comes in from the right and on ‘trust’ their beams meet and reveal the word ‘trust’ in a circle of light. The flashlights circle out and 3 terrariums pop up in a row, labelled, ‘Legal’, ‘Ethical’ and ‘Manaakitanga’.
The Data Protection and Use Policy is about being transparent and respectful
An icon of the Policy document appears. Zoom into the Policy document.
When collecting or using data and information about people across the social sector.
Continue to zoom into the Policy document, and closer to dots in the document.
This guideline will help you better understand your role as kaitiaki.
A circle appears with ‘Purpose Matters’ written on it. It flips around and changes into a circular terrarium, a hand comes in and removes the lid, data floats around. Two panels move in from bottom left and top right to make the screen a single colour and reveal the text: ‘Getting started’.
Understand why the data or information is necessary...
Right side flips to left like turning pages in a book. One side reads ‘Ask why’ and the other side has a question mark.
and how it will be used to improve people’s wellbeing. Keep focused on he tāngata: the people are our why.
Zoom out of the question mark to reveal a terrarium of data, being held by a service user.
Take time to the get the purpose right;
The sides change. ‘Ask why’ turns into ‘Prepare well’. On the other side a seed grows into a heart plant.
Clarity will empower you, and the people you are serving.
The heart plant continues to grow, sprouting more leaves.
Write it down in plain English and make sure it’s easy for everyone to understand — including service users.
A hand comes in and pushes a label ‘Understanding the resilience of rangatahi (youth)’ into the ground beside the plant.
Use checks and balances to test out your purpose. Support mahitahitanga and listen to other people’s ideas and views when collecting or using information.
‘Prepare well’ turns into ‘Support Mahitahitanga’. The plant turns into a lightbulb, which shrinks and hovers above the heads of 3 people having a conversation.
‘Nice to have,’ or ‘Just in case’ are not acceptable reasons to collect a person’s data.
‘Support Mahitahitanga’ turns into ‘Be specific’. Two speech bubbles form with the text ‘Nice to have’ and ‘Just in case’ written in them. They then drop down into a waste basket.
Only collect what's necessary for the purpose. If identifying information isn't required, there’s no need to ask for it.[Visual]
‘Be specific’ turns into ‘Think minimum necessary (not maximum possible)’. From a pile of data seeds, a hand comes and separates some data into a pile.
And if you get data or information from other agencies, make sure they can understand your purpose
‘Think minimum necessary (not maximum possible)’ turns into ‘Build trust along the way’. One pair of hands pass speech bubble with the text ‘purpose’ to another pair of hands. The text panel shifts to the right of the frame and the second pair of hands pass ‘purpose’ to a service user.
And can explain it to people who share their information.
Service user passes their data terrarium to the agency.
Check out the Policy for other guidelines, helpful resources and tips...
Two panels slide in from top and bottom and reveal policy document cover. Pages in policy document turn to show the policy scope.
...for collecting or using people’s data and information across the social sector.
The document drops down and the email address digital.govt.nz/dpup appears with the text underneath: ‘Respectful. Trusted. Transparent.’ The New Zealand Government and Department of Internal Affairs logos appear.
Transparency and Choice Guideline
Transparency and Choice is about enabling people to understand:
- what is happening with their information
- what choices they have
- helping them understand the ‘why’
- what rights they have to access and request changes.
Read about Transparency and Choice
Transparency and Choice Guideline
Why DPUP has a Transparency and Choice Guideline
Introduction to DPUP’s Transparency and Choice Guideline
A 90-second video that explains the key concepts of this Guideline.
Video transcript
Text on screen: Guideline 2 Transparency and choice
People who use social services have a right to understand why their data and information is needed and how it will be used.
Screen divides into 2 panels. ‘Transparency and Choice’ remain on the right side, on the left side of the screen bubbles begin to float up with the text: ‘Helping my community’, ‘design’, ‘reporting’, ‘training’, ‘care’ and ‘education’. The right panel changes to reveal a woman beside the bubbles with text.
If they’re unclear, it can cause anxiety and distrust.
As the bubbles pop one by one, the woman turns away in a distrusting fashion.
The Data Protection and Use Policy is about being transparent and respectful when collecting or using data and information about people across the social sector.
The left side of the frame changes to an icon of the Policy document. We zoom into the policy document and into one of Policy page dots. A circle appears with the text, ‘Transparency and choice’.
Use this Guideline when communicating with people about their information.
Two side-by-side speech bubbles, as if communicating. Two panels move in from bottom left and top right to make the screen a single colour with the text, ‘Getting started’.
Tell people what is being collected and why, who will use it, what kinds of decisions will be made with it, what it won’t be used for, whether it will be linked with any other information, and what happens if they don’t provide the information.
The screen splits into 2 panels. On the left there is the text, ‘Be specific’. On the right there is the text, ‘Your information might be used without your name, address, or anything that identifies you to let our funders know how we work with people to achieve their goals.’ Some of the text is highlighted as the narrator speaks.
Communicate in a variety of ways and use methods that work best for the people you are serving.
The left panel text changes from, ‘Be specific’ to ‘One size fits all’. ‘All’ is then crossed out and ‘some’ written instead to read ‘One size fits some’. The right panel changes to a person with a speech bubble, computer screen, pamphlet and document floating around her.’
Consider how to be transparent with children and young people,
The left panel changes from, ‘One size fits some’ to ‘Communicate in a way people understand’. The right panel has a data seed with a child in it.
...people with disabilities,
The right panel has a data seed with a person in a wheelchair in it.
...people who have low literacy or who are experiencing stress.
The right panel with 2 data seeds with 2 people in them, depicting low literacy and stress.
Offer choice wherever possible so individuals feel empowered and able to use the services they need.
The left panel changes from, ‘Communicate in a way people understand’ to ‘Use the language of choice’. The right panel has an elderly person appear. She walks into the left panel and pulls the text ‘choice’ into her chest.
Supporting choice upholds mana whakahaere and helps individuals take an active role in what’s happening.
The left panel changes from, ‘Use the language of choice’ to ‘Uphold mana whakahaere’. The right panel has an elderly person appear and water the text ‘choice’ like a plant in the ground. A young child climbs up the text while plants grow around the word.
And provide a safe and responsive environment that encourages questions and enables understanding.
The left panel changes from, ‘Uphold mana whakahaere’ to ‘Encourage questions’. The right panel has a hand releasing data from a terrarium and pans out to show 2 people having a conversation over the released data.
Check out the Policy for other guidelines, helpful resources, and tips for collecting or using people’s data and information across the social sector.
The document drops down and the email address digital.govt.nz/dpup appears with the text underneath: ‘Respectful. Trusted. Transparent.’ The New Zealand Government and Department of Internal Affairs logos appear.
Access to Information
Access to Information is about making it easy for people to see and request correction of their information.
Read about Access to Information
Access to Information Guideline
Why DPUP has an Access to Information Guideline
Introduction to DPUP’s Access to Information
A 90-second video that explains the key concepts of this Guideline.
Video transcript
Text on screen: Guideline 3 Access to Information
People engaging with the social sector have a right to access and request correction of their information.
The Screen splits into 2. The text ‘Guideline 3 Access to Information’ moves to the right side. Two people walk into screen on the left side. One person walks ahead and begins to push the screen so the text on the right-hand side gets pushed out of sight.
As kaitiaki, it’s our role to facilitate this with ease.
The text is moved out to reveal a large data terrarium. The sector user reaches out to touch the terrarium and a light turns on.
The Data Protection and Use Policy is about being transparent and respectful when collecting or using data and information about people across the social sector.
The data terrarium and person are replaced by an icon of the Policy document. We zoom into the policy document, and then further into 1 of the dots.
Use this Guideline to shape behaviours, actions, and processes that ensure accessibility to information.
A circle appears with ‘Access to Information’ written on it. The circle rotates and becomes a set of swinging keys. Two panels move in from bottom left and top right to make the screen a single colour and reveal the text: ‘Getting started’.
Be proactive. Don’t wait for service users to ask, uphold the dignity of the people who are sharing their information by letting them know about their rights to access.
The screen is split into 2 panels. On the left side is the text: ‘Show manaakitanga’. On the left side is a key is hanging on a hook with a ‘be proactive’ keychain. A hand comes and lifts the keys off the hook and drops them into an outstretched hand.
Make it friendly and safe for people. Write in plain English, make information accessible to people with communication issues and tailor information to children.
The left side text changes from ‘Show manaakitanga’ to ‘Tailor the message’. On the right, 3 individualised sets of keys appear. On one of the chains is a pencil symbolising ‘plain English’, on another key chain is a signing hand symbolising ‘communication issues’ and the last key has a teddy bear that symbolises ‘children’.
Small things matter, like showing what’s on a screen, or handing over copies of completed forms. Different people will prefer different ways of accessing information.
The left side text changes from ‘Tailor the message’ to ‘Be practical’. On the right-hand side, a cell phone text message support conversation takes place.
Empower frontline staff to feel confident and capable when they're asked about access to information or asked to change information. Set up processes and policies that make it easy for staff to support people with access.
The left side text changes from ‘Be practical’ to ‘Advocate for access’. On the right-hand side, a hospital worker appears. She lifts a hand and waves. A young woman approaches the staff member, and the staff member lifts a data terrarium from behind the counter and passes it to her.
People may feel overwhelmed or unsure about accessing information.
The left side text changes from ‘Advocate for access’ to ‘Offer support’. On the right-hand side, a woman turns to the side in a distrusting fashion.
With their agreement, act as a person’s representative or allow them to use an advocate.
The screen splits on the right side. The distrusting woman is faced with sector representative in the lower half. He looks up at her and she looks back up at him.
Check out the Policy for other Guidelines, helpful resources and tips for collecting or using people’s data...
Two panels slide in from top and bottom and reveal policy cover. Pages turn to reveal guidelines in the series.
...and information across the social sector.
The document drops down and the website address digital.govt.nz/dpup appears with the text underneath: ‘Respectful. Trusted. Transparent.’ The New Zealand Government and Department of Internal Affairs logos appear.]
Sharing Value Guideline
Sharing Value is about:
- working together for better insights and outcomes
- the importance of being inclusive to ensure that information used to create insights is relevant and usefully describes real experiences
- sharing insights that deliver value and improved wellbeing.
Read about Sharing Value
Why DPUP has a Sharing Value Guideline
Introduction to DPUP’s Sharing Value
A 90-second video that explains the key concepts of this Guideline.
Video transcript
Text on screen: Guideline 4 Sharing Value
Any non-personal insights or learnings developed from the use of data should be focused on improving the wellbeing of he tāngata.
The screen splits into 2. On the right side is the text ‘Guideline 4 Sharing Value’. On the left a pot plant appears. Hands reach into the pot plant frame, pick up the pot plant and move it to the right, moving the text out of screen.
Sharing knowledge is key.
Another set of hands reaches in from the right, receives the plant and sits it down to the right.
The Data Protection and Use Policy is about being transparent and respectful when collecting or using data and information about people across the social sector.
The left side of the frame changes to an icon of the Policy document. We zoom into the policy document, and eventually into 1 of the dots on the Policy cover.
Use this Guideline when working together for better quality insights and outcomes for the people.
A circle appears with the text, ‘Sharing Value’. The petals of a flower blossom around it.
Think about including others right from the beginning of any project, think widely about who to involve; service users, service providers, cultural experts and other professionals are just some of the people who can help.
The left side of the frame has the text, ‘Collaboration is key’. The right side of the frame pans across 5 people, holding the Policy. Plants are depicted behind them.
You uphold mana by being inclusive.
The right side pans to a man in a wheelchair holding a sign with the text, ‘Nothing about us, without us!’
Be practical and proactive in mahitahitanga — get people to ‘do the doing’ with you and ask them to review and feedback on your work.
The left side text changes from ‘Collaboration is key’ to ‘Plan and review’. The right side has a strategy plan hanging on the wall. Hands add Post-it Notes to the plan.
Make insights and learnings easy for others to understand and use. Think about how to share learnings with service users themselves.
The left side text changes from ‘Plan and review’ to ‘Share insights’. The right-side tracks along pot plants with labels in each pot, with the text ‘homelessness’, ‘wellbeing’ and ‘primary education’.
Learn for next time: how useful was this for others?
The left side text changes from ‘Share insights’ to ‘Integrate learning’. On the right side there is a large pot plant in view, some leaves are green, but some have wilted. One falls off and lands on the ground and a hand gently examines one of the wilted leaves.
Sharing value can look different — sometimes access to non-personal data is appropriate.
The left side text changes from ‘Integrate learning’ to ‘Respectfully share’. On the right side there is a terrarium with data seeds in it, a hand lifts the lid and the seeds float out.
Sometimes it’s better just to share findings.
The data terrarium is replaced by a plant growing in a terrarium, again the lid is lifted.
Remember to act as kaitiaki, protecting and respecting the people whose information is used.
The plant growing in a terrarium is replaced by an ‘unprotected’ cluster of flowers growing in a terrarium. A hand places a lid over them.
Check out the Policy for other Guidelines, helpful resources, and tips for collecting or using people’s data
Two panels slide in from top and bottom and reveal the policy cover. Pages turn to reveal Guidelines in the series.
And information across the social sector.
The document drops down and the email address digital.govt.nz/dpup appears with the text underneath: ‘Respectful. Trusted. Transparent.’ The New Zealand Government and Department of Internal Affairs logos appear.
Utility links and page information
Last updated