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cross-agency AI survey: highlights

Use cases for artificial intelligence (AI) — survey responses from NZ government organisations in .

AI use cases — key points from the survey

Government agencies’ responses about use cases for AI fell into 2 categories.

  • Productivity and efficiency
  • Customer experience

Current and planned government use of AI

Productivity and efficiency

Out of the 108 use cases reported, government agencies stated that AI shows potential to:

  • boost productivity
  • automate routine tasks
  • process work more efficiently.

Customer experience

Government agencies reported that AI also helps to improve New Zealanders’ experiences with:

  • self-service options
  • personalisation of government services.

Risks of AI

Agencies highlighted the risks and barriers to safe and transparent adoption of AI. These included some of the risks identified in the survey, such as:

  • skills
  • privacy
  • security.

Risks of AI

Read the survey’s full results

Full results of use cases — cross-agency AI survey

Privacy statement — AI survey

Any identifying information provided by survey respondents has been removed.

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